Steve Tomczky 日冕磁场测量学术报告

2011年6月7日上午10点,日冕磁场测量三大领军之一Steve Tomczky将为同学们作学术报告。报告的题目是"日冕阿尔芬波观测的最新进展",该报告的内容曾发表在2007年的Science期刊上。报告的摘要如下:

Observation of Alfvén waves in the Solar Corona Steven Tomczyk, High Altitude Observatory/NCAR

Recent velocity imaging observations obtained with the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (CoMP) instrument reveal the existence of ubiquitous propagating Alfvén waves in the solar corona. These data present an exciting opportunity to probe the physical properties of the coronal plasma through coronal seismology. I will review the current state of coronal seismology and present the results of the analysis of the CoMP wave observations which allows the determination of the phase speed of the waves and the relative quantity of outward and inward wave flux. This analysis also provides a k-omega diagnostic diagram of coronal waves. I will conclude with a discussion of the future prospects for coronal seismology with these data.

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