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9月27日Geroge Parks作学术报告


2011年9月27日下午2:00由Geroge Parks作学术报告。

报告题目:Density Holes Upstream of Earth's Bow Shock

摘要:Larmor size transient structures with density depletions as large as 99% of ambient solar wind density levels occur commonly upstream of Earth’s collisionless bow shock. These “density holes” have a mean duration of ~17.9 ± 10.4s but holes as short as 4s have been observed. The average fractional density depletion (dn/n) inside the holes is ~0.68 ± 0.14. The density of the upstream edge moving in the sunward direction can be enhanced by five or more times the solar wind density. Particle distributions show the steepened edge can behave like a shock, and measured local field geometries and Mach number support this view. Similarly shaped magnetic holes accompany the density holes indicating strong coupling between fields and particles. Currents associated with leading compressed edges show current densities as large as ~150 nA m-2. The waves are elliptically polarized and rotating in the sense of ions (left hand) in the plasma frame. The waves appear to grow and steepen as the density holes convect with the solar wind toward the Earth. The transient nature of density holes suggests that the temporal features could represent the different stages of nonlinear evolutionary processes which that produce a a shock-like structure. The density holes are only observed with upstream particles, suggesting that back-streaming particles interacting with the solar wind are important. The significance of these observations is still being investigated.

9月27日Geroge Parks作学术报告


2011年9月27日下午2:00由Geroge Parks作学术报告。

报告题目:Density Holes Upstream of Earth's Bow Shock

摘要:Larmor size transient structures with density depletions as large as 99% of ambient solar wind density levels occur commonly upstream of Earth’s collisionless bow shock. These “density holes” have a mean duration of ~17.9 ± 10.4s but holes as short as 4s have been observed. The average fractional density depletion (dn/n) inside the holes is ~0.68 ± 0.14. The density of the upstream edge moving in the sunward direction can be enhanced by five or more times the solar wind density. Particle distributions show the steepened edge can behave like a shock, and measured local field geometries and Mach number support this view. Similarly shaped magnetic holes accompany the density holes indicating strong coupling between fields and particles. Currents associated with leading compressed edges show current densities as large as ~150 nA m-2. The waves are elliptically polarized and rotating in the sense of ions (left hand) in the plasma frame. The waves appear to grow and steepen as the density holes convect with the solar wind toward the Earth. The transient nature of density holes suggests that the temporal features could represent the different stages of nonlinear evolutionary processes which that produce a a shock-like structure. The density holes are only observed with upstream particles, suggesting that back-streaming particles interacting with the solar wind are important. The significance of these observations is still being investigated.

9月27日Tony Lui教授作学术报告


2011年9月27日下午2:00 Geroge Parks学术报告。

报告题目:Energy source for auroral electrons from two proposed substorm onset process

摘要:There are two main processes in the tail that are proposed to link electron precipitation for the auroral arc during substorms. These are current disruption/dipolarization (CDD) and magnetic reconnection (MR). To provide further clues in differentiating these two processes, we examine the electron energy spectrum and the associated total field-aligned energy flux during six CDD events and compare them with five MR events. It is found that (1) the total field-aligned electron energy flux from CDD sites is generally high enough to account for the energy flux required to produce bright auroral arcs and (2) the total field-aligned electron energy flux from MR sites is generally a factor of one to two orders of magnitude lower than that from CDD sites. These results favor a direct link between the CDD sites and the substorm arcs. Further acceleration by other mechanisms is considered with the result that inclusion of other mechanisms is unlikely to alter the differences obtained in this analysis.

Dong-Hun Lee教授学术报告


本周Dong-Hun Lee教授的两个学术报告:

1、EMIC wave coupling in space

2、Nonlinear MHD Waves in Space



报告题目为:"Plasma turbulence and ion kinetics in the solar wind"


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