Hermann Opgenoorth - The Interaction of Mars with the Solar Wind: Induced Magnetosphere and Ionospheric Ion Outflow


Time:Dec 7 2011, 3:00 pm
Where:N415 Physics Building
​Title:The Interaction of Mars with the Solar Wind: Induced Magnetosphere and Ionospheric Ion Outflow

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Yu Lin (Auburn University) - Generation of Kinetic Alfven Waves in Inhomogeneous Plasma Boundary Layers


Time:Dec 28 7:00 pm
Where:208 Physics Building
Title:Generation of Kinetic Alfven Waves in Inhomogeneous Plasma Boundary Layers
Speaker:Yu Lin, Physics Department, Auburn University

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Shocking recipe for 'killer electrons'


Interplanetary shocks can create "killer electrons" in the near-Earth space environment within 15 minutes of the shock reaching the Earth's protective magnetic bubble. The underlying mechanism for this process has now been revealed as a result of a rare configuration of satellites, including Cluster, SOHO and Double Star

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